happy new years... this is my first journal entry since 2024. sadly all the fun things were in the first week of this year so right now maybe not so fun... my boyfriend stayed with me and we had all sorts of fun... my first kiss of the new year.. >////< sorry.
anyway, today im going to complain about drivers training... this week, im learning how to drive. but not just drive, getting my license. except i've never driven before. my family made it really clear that i had never driven before, but this lady, keeps seeming to forget that... and i'm realizing that she doesn't like me very much because of it. normally, i tend to think things are my fault, but this time, im finally realizing... if she didn't want me driving with her yet, then she could just remove me from the course
she's not good at answering my questions and just kinda watches me in silence when i try to drive without helping me.
anyway... im just frustrated. i know the best idea is to just reschedule after i have more hours because i don't think im getting my license but it doesn't seem like that's happening... i also don't want my mom to have to pay another $450 for it. each day i've been dreading going home because i get home at 3:55 and she comes to my house at 4
which means im not home till 6pm. anyway, enough about my driving..
my dear johnny sent my a package last night.. and it made me so happy..!!! it was a late christmas gift filled with cinnamorolls... this one he gave me is geniunely my favorite
i mean its geniunely so cute. it made me so happy... and made me feel a bit better this week. on sunday, im going to a pokemon go meetup .. 💀 yeah can't believe im admitting that but it is fun. i just can't wait until this is all over... waaaahhhh