despite the amount of work ive had recently, i've been feeling very serene... i know that spring is coming rather soon-- the mood of the air has really shifted, if that makes sense~ i love the warmth so much T_T spring used to be one of my least favorite seasons but now its really my favorite. im starting to hate the cold more and more the older i get. the invention of a space heater is truly a miracle... anyway.
after coming back from spring break i was ready to put myself in the working mindset. no more games no more lacking no more nothing. am i doing that properly..? erm.. well im getting there. i really had to bring myself to work again which sucks T_T my gpa also increased to a 4.3 but im still 3rd in my class. ive been tasked with a 10-14 page research paper, and while my heart is in it, my ability to work is not. id rather just lowkey be blessed sleeping in the sun. imagine that but in this tone of image
the joy of summer is the joy of not having anything of outside influence bothing me... i love silence. i love ... the birds chirping lowkey. although i do always wish i felt the urge to sit outside... i mean its hot, theres bugs, theres germs... no outlets #screenager but this summer im hoping i can spend more time outside in some way... im just yearning for school to end v_v and i cant believe its almost here like GIRL i have 60 somethings days left and well. i have 8 exams including sat.
but outside of school.. i have a concert coming up soon 😝😝 this is the first time ive bought an outfit for a concert so im excited about that... i also have a college fair on april 2nd which means i get to be #outofclass all day andd i mean april 4th... minecraft movie... i might see that. so a lot of things to live for right now which is really good. im just so happy to be feeling better if that makes sense. also super thankful for 100 followers on here ii love everybody that has ever even had the thought that they liked my site. i only began coding last summer because my boyfriend liked neocities sites so i sat for a week and probably merged my body to the bed bruh and figured it all out. in terms of the world of coding i am a beginner but i am so greatful that SO many people like my site... thank you all so much!!!!!!!! 🩵