welcome to oceanfront's pokemon page
this is my pokemon page! pokemon has been in andd out of my life. i never had the chance to play the games when i was younger, so my first look at pokemon came from watching
the X and Y series. specifically, i could never sit still while watching, so i made many clay pokemon figures while i watched T_T...
after that i never really paid mind to pokemon until fall 2024, when i picked up pokemon GO again on my week 1 account. ever since then, i've had an addiction. not only do i adore pokemon go,
but i currently play both GO and pokemon violet (and some heartgold on my phone). im addicted to trading in pokemon HOME, my favorite pokemon is lucario among others, and i can't wait to pick up more games!!
in the my favorites tab, you can find out about all the many pokemon i like and why. games includes the specifics on the games i play, and shinies includes both my current and wishlist shinies. art spotlight is a gallery for me to show any pokemon art i enjoy.
my favorite pokemon
#1: lucario
generation: IV
times caught: ~3
where: SV, GO
lucario is my number one favorite pokemon. he is the 1st i grew attached to when i was younger when i saw korrina's lucario. ever since then, there's nothing that's really wavered from me liking him so much... it is just such a cool pokemon and i love it ^^
#2: chansey trio
generation: I
times caught: ~15
where: SV, GO
overtime chansey & its evolutions have grown on me more and more... chansey is so cute but also so... interesting looking. happiny i think is one of the cutest baby pokemon besides togepi, and blissey i also think is so so cute .. so sweet .. so angelic. i feel like always having a chansey on my team is the way to go and hopefully can do a ribbon challenge with one~
#3: jirachi
generation: III
times caught: 0
where: n/a
ever since i was younger i have loved jirachi. i believe it to be one of the best pokemon designs and one of the best storylines. i vaugely remember watching jirachi: the wishmaker and all .. but i think it is such a beautiful pokemon and idek what else to say. i mean.. it is just so dear to my heart T_T
#4: manaphy
generation: IV
times caught: 1
where: HOME
my dear manaphy ... so many good pokemon come from sinnoh. i love manaphy for its simple but also magical design like jirachi, but also how manaphy's personality is often very sweet. i use manaphy in violet and it is just so cute. i love water & sea based pokemon and the fact its named the prince of the sea in temple of the sea. is there is just something special about it that makes it one of my favorites ♥
#5: meloetta
generation: V
times caught: 1
where: GO
i LOVEE meloetta ♥ i once again think it is one of the most beautiful pokemon there is... i remember first seeing it when i watched black and white and just enjoyed the mystery of it. i mean, what is there to say... it has always been one of my favorites.
#6: volbeat + illumise
generation: III
times caught: ~15
where: GO
two of the most unpopular pokemon are volbeat and illumise... they are a little ugly but ngl really ugly cute. they are really funny looking but also look like little bug fables bugs... they are just so dumb and cute and yeah thats why i like them. volbeat is also 1/3 alongside manaphy that can learn tail glow, so that is a win to me.
#7: hoopa
generation: VI
times caught: ~9
where: GO
hoopa confined is one of my nostalgic set of pokemon. i first remember seeing it in hoopa and the clash of ages, but i think i mistook that for a movie where both diancie and hoopa were the main characters..? while hoopa isn't my #1 i am very fond of it both for its design and personality but also because of all the pokemon movies i used to watch 😭
#8: diancie
generation: VI
times caught: 1
where: GO
diancie is such a pretty pokemon, especially its mega evolution... i think diancie is what sold me on the idea of mega evo but in general, diancie is such a lore-rich and interesting pokemon.. i believe i first saw diancie in it's movie, where idk like girl.. when ur 11 is that not the coolest thing ever. so im sure half of my love is nostalgia based but i still love her to this day !!!
#9: lapras
generation: I
times caught: ~5
where: SV, GO
lapras became a pokemon i quite liked after gigantamax lapras day in fall 2024. i remember then just realizing how cute it is >.< but how nice the design was too... i mean it just has this sweet face. and is lowkey like a dolphin a seal and a slug all in one. i am also very biased to water types, and lapras as a support has always managed to find a way onto my teams ♥
#10: leafeon
generation: IV
times caught: 1
where: GO
leafeon isn't necessarily one of my 'favorite' pokemon, but it is my favorite eveelution. i really love its design and i think its one of the best evee designs v_v the incorporation of leaves and its soft brownish yellow color... its very nice. i have one lucky leafeon in GO that i use all the time in raids ^.^
#11: yanmega
generation: IV
times caught: 0
where: n/a
last... and very possibly least is yanmega. i must say it really has grown on me. i first saw yanmega in cobblemon of all places... i thought it was terrifying but for some reason my bf adores it. he uses it all the time and now im just like... whatever. its a little little bit cute if you blur your eyes... and now i just think its funny. i love you yanmega
my shinies

01: ponyta
from: GO
notes: 9/14/2024 ponyta community day

02: ponyta
from: GO
notes: 9/14/2024 ponyta community day

03: sewaddle
from: GO
notes: 10/5/2024 sewaddle community day

04: falinks
from: GO
notes: 11/28/2024 boosted

05: wooloo
from: GO
notes: 11/29/2024 boosted

06: koffing
from: GO
notes: 12/14/2024 boosted

07: cyndraquil
from: GO
notes: 12/21/2024 community day

08: popplio
from: GO
notes: 12/22/2024 community day

09: murkrow
from: GO
notes: 12/27/2024 boosted

10: meowscarada
from: GO
notes: 1/5/2025 sprigatitto community day

11: sprigatitto
from: GO
notes: 1/5/2025 sprigatitto community day

12: kirlia
from: GO
notes: 1/25/2025 ralts community day

13: ralts
from: GO
notes: 1/25/2025 ralts community day

14: shelmet
from: GO
notes: 2/9/2025 shelmet + karrablast community day

15: shelmet
from: GO
notes: 2/9/2025 shelmet + karrablast community day

16: shelmet
from: GO
notes: 2/9/2025 shelmet + karrablast community day

17: karrablast
from: GO
notes: 2/9/2025 shelmet + karrablast community day

18: pinsir
from: GO
notes: 2/21/2025
full odds!

19: snivy
from: GO
notes: 2/25/2025
GO tour unova

20: tepig
from: GO
notes: 2/25/2025
GO tour unova

21: landorus
from: GO
notes: 2/26/2025
GO tour unova given for free, traded for manaphy

22: fuecoco
from: GO
notes: 3/8/2025 fuecoco community day

23: skeledirge
from: GO
notes: 3/8/2025 fuecoco community day

23: furfrou
from: HOME
notes: 3/12/2025 likely genned, OT Sam, 12/03/2013

24: sylveon
from: HOME
notes: 3/16/2025, OT Violet, 2/2/2024

25: archen
from: GO
notes: 3/16/2025 archen timed research

26: archen
from: GO
notes: 3/16/2025 archen timed research

27: frogadier
from: GO
notes: 3/16/2025 traded necrozma to my cousin