art by celimu



welcome to oceanfront's pokemon page

this is my pokemon page! pokemon has been in andd out of my life. i never had the chance to play the games when i was younger, so my first look at pokemon came from watching the X and Y series. specifically, i could never sit still while watching, so i made many clay pokemon figures while i watched T_T...

after that i never really paid mind to pokemon until fall 2024, when i picked up pokemon GO again on my week 1 account. ever since then, i've had an addiction. not only do i adore pokemon go, but i currently play both GO and pokemon violet (and some heartgold on my phone). im addicted to trading in pokemon HOME, my favorite pokemon is lucario among others, and i can't wait to pick up more games!!

in the my favorites tab, you can find out about all the many pokemon i like and why. games includes the specifics on the games i play, and shinies includes both my current and wishlist shinies. art spotlight is a gallery for me to show any pokemon art i enjoy.